Rose and Juno
All we mortals are fools...fools of infinite possibility...stories still being told...myths made flesh. This website is for people honest enough to admit their foolishness (and not take themselves too seriously), a resource for those willing to question themselves, their suppositions, and their assumptions forge a better tomorrow. Why Rose Guildenstern? Why Juno Lucina? Why fiction AND cartomancy? And why not choose one moniker? Well, people prefer different ways to truth... Two roads into the woods of truth diverged to create novelist Rose Guildenstern and cartomancer Juno Lucina. For truth through fiction, my pen name is Rose Guildenstern, and I'd like to welcome you to my little corner of the worldwide spider's web. I'd love to tell you about all the wonderful, wacky (and generally unsettling) worlds that inhabit my imagination. Rose writes novels: Disturbing novels. Insidious novels. Novels that bump round in your head and soul into the middle of the night, making you doubt everything but wish to live life more fully. My debut novel, Iago's Penumbra, is rooted in the works of William Shakespeare, Iago's Penumbra is a metaphysical novel about love and the darkness that redeems us -- a retelling of chilling lies to scare us so that we, at last, perchance stop lying to ourselves. For those of you who have been a part of this journey, thank you--let's celebrate. If you are new to all things Rose Guildenstern, I'd love for you to SIGN UP to receive email updates to keep abreast of this exciting page-turn of events and/or connect with me via your favorite social media. I'm about halfway through bleeding out my second novel, and there's a trilogy in the works as well, but you'll have to wait a while to be provoked by this trinity. For truth through cartomancy, Juno Lucina is my nom de guerre for two tarot decks and a comprehensive tarot book published by REDFeather, the Mind-Body-Spirit imprint of Schiffer Publishing, if that's your pleasure. Check out "Juno's Cards" to find out about these and future cartomancy projects in progress, including my next cartomancy deck, Frame This Oracle with illustrator Dan Goodfellow. Whether you prefer to find your truth in stories or in the cards, pick the persona you prefer. Follow me on social media for updates about all my projects (buttons on the bottom left of this page). Subscribe to the Rose & Juno mailing list. Let's craft lives worth living...together. And beware: the things I write might just change your world. Forever.
Rose’s Fiction
Rose writes award-winning metaphysical fiction teetering on the edge between eerie and enlightening to inspire you as we craft lives worth living...together. This genre is growing because there is an urgent need in the world for a fiction category that helps readers explore spiritual ideas and concepts not just rationally—as one might through a non-fiction book—but emotionally and experientially. In a metaphysical/visionary novel, you don’t simply learn about deeper spiritual truths, but you feel them unfolding through the power of story on a gut level, experiencing them vicariously through the eyes of an engaging cast of characters from the safety of your own armchair so that you can apply them to your life as you wish.
The Kingdom & Alchemy of Tarot
**The Kingdom Within Tarot deck (illustrated by Shannon ThornFeather)** Winner Outstanding Art on a Tarot Deck and One to Watch Female Illustrator: 2011 Pecto Awards by Academy of Cartomancy Arts & Sciences. Everything you need to read tarot right out of the box, no prior experience or psychic awareness required. _________________________ **The Alchemy of Tarot: Practical Enlightenment Through the Astrology, Qabalah, and Archetypes of Tarot (illustrated by Shannon ThornFeather, with Foreword by Lon Milo DuQuette). Available in Ebook or Deluxe Paperback Formats** For those who want to dive deep and take the tarot beyond divination. _________________________